
Showing posts from January, 2019
Feser now recommends defence of Jansenism as bedtime reading. In the reading material recommended by Feser's blog on 3/1/2020 were two articles excusing Jansenism and attacking the post-Tridentine Church. There was a mention of how anti-modernists today have falsely been labelled Jansenists, but the gist of articles is to excuse Jansenism (in other words, to employ the dishonest defence of the Jansenists themselves). Jansenism is a heresy says our Mother the Church, but the bedtime reading proposed by Dr. Feser states: "The fact that Jansenism is such a dirty word among Catholics is due to a tradition of historiography written by ultramontanes and 19th century Jesuits" (Richard Yoder). He suggests the Jansenists are a model of ‘what to do’ when there seem to be doctrinal problems with the ‘institutional Church’. Why not put up the fifteenth century conciliarist error as a model? The article by Shaun Blanchard speaks of it favourably. Not surprisingly, this blog, w